Maltea-Tworzymy Systemy Zabezpieczeń


For the Security and IT directors ensuring our places of work and leisure are safe.We always understand that in a complex world, it is not enough to solve the challenges of today.
Explore Our Served Industries

Solutions For All Your
Security Priorities

Kompleksowe rozwiązania dla domów prywatnych, które zwiększają bezpieczeństwo i komfort mieszkańców. Śpij spokojnie!...

Budynki prywatne

Zabezpieczamy przedsiębiorstwa i budynki komercyjne przed szeregiem zagrożeń. Zadbaj, nim będzie za późno....

Firmy i budynki komercyjne

From Door And Window Sensors To Mobile Apps And Cameras System!

Our security camera system installation department is just passionate about providing the best security system services and solutions.

Whether you’re home or away, we make smart simple, have a remote access and control everything from lights, locks, and thermostats.

Increase Security Scope

Combining surveillance camera installation with guards lets each guard view many areas

Reduce Business Liability

Professionally installed security camera systems keep an eye on activity and eliminate downtime

Request An Quote

Please complete the form below, to request a quote, and we’ll be in touch. Or you can call us 01061245741 and our specialists will provide the necessary help!

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    Explore Our Case Studies & Latest Sucess Stories.

    For the Security and IT directors ensuring our places of work and leisure are safe. For the Chief Technology Officers shaping the smart businesses of tomorrow. We always understand that in a complex world, it is not enough to solve the challenges of today, we need to be ready for the opportunities of tomorrow.

    More Reasons to Choose Us!

    Alarm Monitoring 24/7
    Security Monitoring Equipment
    Fire Monitor And Detection
    Fire Monitor And Detection
    Live Stream From Any Mobile
    Alerts, Schedules & Automations
    Keep An Eye On Everything With Our Video Security. Get A Recommendation